AcuGraph is a computerised system or tool used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It's designed to assist acupuncturists in the assessment and diagnosis of a patient's energy balance and the state of their acupuncture channels.
Here's how AcuGraph typically works:
Data Collection: The acupuncturist uses a special probe connected to the AcuGraph system to measure electrical resistance at various acupuncture points on the patient's body, usually on the fingers and toes.
Analysis: The AcuGraph software then processes this data and creates a visual representation of the patient's energy balance. It generates graphs and charts that show the flow of energy (Qi) through different meridians and identifies any imbalances or blockages.
Diagnosis: Based on the analysis, the acupuncturist can make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan tailored to the patient's specific needs. The information from AcuGraph helps them determine which acupuncture points need stimulation to restore balance.
Treatment: During the acupuncture session, the acupuncturist uses this information to guide the placement of acupuncture needles. By addressing the imbalances detected by AcuGraph, the goal is to improve the flow of Qi and promote overall well-being.
AcuGraph is considered a valuable tool for acupuncturists as it provides objective data that can enhance their diagnostic and treatment capabilities. It offers a way to track progress over multiple sessions and fine-tune treatment plans for better results.
Used worldwide AcuGraph is an amazing tool to assist in treatment - In the UK there are only 3 authorised practitioners of AcuGraph and Liverpool is privileged to have Dr VJ as one of those ! The only practitioner outside of London.
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